Date Calculator
Date Difference
Start Date:
End Date:
Calculate Difference
Days Difference:
Add/Subtract Days
Base Date:
Days to Add/Subtract:
Calculate Date
Resulting Date:
What is the purpose of the Date Calculator?
The Date Calculator is designed to help users compute the difference between two dates or add/subtract a specific number of days to/from a given date.
How accurate is the days difference calculation?
The calculator provides an accurate difference in days between the two dates you input. It considers all days, including leap years.
Can I subtract days from a date?
Yes, to subtract days from a date, simply input a negative number in the "Days to Add/Subtract" field.
Does the calculator consider leap years?
Yes, the calculator takes into account leap years when computing date differences or adding/subtracting days.
Is there any cost associated with using this calculator?
No, the Date Calculator is completely free to use.